I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells.
I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light, and of peace.
When you are in that place in you and I am in the place in me, WE ARE ONE.

~ Namasté ~

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Need a Tune-Up?

Have you been feeling out-of-sorts or unbalanced? It could be that your chakras are in need of a fall tune-up. There are different ways our chakras can become dysfunctional. They can be too open or too closed and they can be spinning too fast or too slow. Problems may occur for different reasons but many of them stem from an emotional root. The chakras absorb energy that comes from our thoughts, feelings and outside environment and feed this to our body. For instance, if we have negative feelings, we will be filtering negative energy through our chakras and into our body. Over time this can manifest in the body as illness or disease. Our chakras also absorb energy from the environment. Other people’s negative emotions or a room full of clutter can also produce an unhealthy energy which we absorb through our chakras.

We cannot always avoid negative energy from others or our environment, but we can change our feelings from negative to positive to protect ourselves from this energy. Keeping our chakras in tip-top condition is the key, in other words keeping them spinning in balance. Chakra balancing is a bit like fall-cleaning the chakras and fine-tuning them.

In a Chakra Balancing session we will begin by setting an intention for your session. Then we will open your aura signaling to your Higher Self that we will be working for your highest and greatest good and for the good of all. Then working a few inches above each chakra, we will clear each of your chakras beginning at the Crown Chakra and working down towards your Root Chakra. Once the clearing has taken place, we will balance and align your chakras and finally, we will close your aura.

Balanced chakras are one way to keep your body healthy and vibrant. Much like your car needs a tune-up every now and then to keep it running smoothly, so too does your body. So leave that teeter-totter feeling behind and schedule your Chakra Balancing session at Loving Heart Reiki, LLC.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Loving Heart Reiki has a logo!

Back in September of 2011 I attended a workshop hosted by Audrey Hanson who channels ArchAngel Haniel. The day was amazing and one that I will never forget. One of the things that we each took away with us that day was a picture of our Sacred Contract. These pictures are as individual as each of us are as they represent the sacred within us.

Coming up with a vision for a logo that represents Loving Heart Reiki and what my purpose is for my heart-centered business was not an easy task. I wracked my brain for weeks. And then one day while sitting at my desk, and my guides gently nudging me, there is was staring me right in the face! What better to represent LHR than my Sacred Contract!

I contacted my good friend and talent extraordinaire, Sharon, to help me with this vision. What she came up with not only inspires me, but captivates me as well.

The image represents my seven chakras with my heart chakra expanded, enveloping Mother Earth and the people who inhabit this beautiful planet. It is my desire to fill the earth with love and compassion in whatever way I am guided to do so and through the energetic work that I do I believe I am fulfilling that purpose.

There is so much more that this symbol represents, but I choose to keep some of that for myself. It is my spiritual journey known only to me and the Divine . . .

Original Sacred Contract

LHR Logo!

Sharon can be contacted at Plumrose Lane.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Classes Beginning in the Spring

“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.”
~ Margaret Fuller ~

In May of 2012 I travelled to Sedona, Arizona to take part in a Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher class. At the time I was not thinking of teaching, but our Reiki Masters Laurelle and Michael told us that eventually we would teach. A few months after returning from Sedona, I received guidance that it was time to teach. I was gung-ho and thought I would start teaching in the fall. However, I received further guidance to wait until the spring of 2013. Well spring is not far off, my ducks are in a row and I’m ready, willing, able and excited to begin this new venture with you. If you have received guidance that now’s the time to learn Reiki, then I am humbled and honored that you are considering me as your Master Teacher . . . let us begin!

Classes begin in March of 2013. I will be teaching Usui Shiki Ryoho (the Usui system of natural healing) - Levels I, II and III/Master Practitioner; Karuna Reiki® - Levels I, II and Master Teacher as well as Reiki for Children (Level I) which will include some fun activities!

For more information on classes and to register visit my website Loving Heart Reiki, LLC.

Have a wonderful winter and I'll see you in the spring!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Reiki Share Group for Reiki Practitioners

Join our Reiki Share Group the first Wednesday of every month. The group is open to all levels of Reiki practitioners. We have a strong community of Reiki practitioners from many different traditions. We begin the evening by sharing our experiences, asking questions and voicing concerns. Then we do a meditation and then move to the tables where we give and receive Reiki. Afterwards we visit and nosh on refreshments!

Whatever teaching tradition you are from you are very welcome to join us as we all enjoy sharing our knowledge and practices. Please come with respect for all techniques and with a willingness to respect the wishes of the person on the table. Remember with Reiki there is no right or wrong, just whatever feels right for you!

We look forward to seeing you!

Next Reiki Share is Wednesday, November 7th
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Getting Ready for Winter

Fall is upon us and as I sit here reflecting in the morning sunlight, my mind drifts to thoughts of winter - the cold of it actually. I believe that we weren't meant to struggle through winter, braving the elements, putting one foot in front of the other in a blizzard, or shoveling mountains of snow. Rather, I believe that we were meant to hibernate - like bears. You've got to admit that they've got something going on there. Eat all summer to gain weight and fat to insulate them from the cold - and then sleep all winter, only venturing forth for a snack or potty break. What's not to like about that?

However, because we're not bears, there are things we can do to nurture our bodies and our minds during the winter months. We can make warm soups and stews, catch up on much needed sleep we deprived ourselves of during the warmer months and by turning our attention to stretching our bodies with exercise such as Tai Chi or yoga. And we can nourish our minds with a good book, music or meditation.

As you begin to set your house straight for the winter months, remember that includes your body, mind and spirit as well. Feed your body good warming foods, read and meditate, and do something for your spirit to uplift you during the long winter months such as Reiki. Reiki not only relaxes and relieves the body of stress, it also helps with depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder, something that is all to prevalent during the dark hours of winter. However, you can remain upbeat and optimistic during this time by following the suggestions I've included here.

And take heart . . . spring is just a few short months away!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Karuna Reiki®

Back in May I travelled to Sedona, AR to participate in Karuna Reiki® classes. It was an amazing experience and I'm grateful for the compassion that Karuna Reiki® extends to those who are receiving it, as well as to those who are giving it.

Karuna Reiki® was developed by William Rand and The International Center for Reiki Training and is based on traditional Usui and Tibetan Reiki. Karuna Reiki® is a healing energy that assists us in awakening to Universal compassion allowing us to shine a light into those areas of our being where we hold judgements, criticism and unloving thoughts towards ourselves, others or the world. Karuna Reiki® enhances our ability to see everyone and everything through the eyes of the Divine.

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translanted to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action.” Through our awakened consciousness our ability to have Universal or unconditional compassion helps us to alleviate our own and other’s suffering. In this process of healing we can understand that there is a Divine plan for all creation and that we are all part of that perfect plan.

Karuna Reiki® helps us develop an awareness of those personality traits that have been blocking us or perhaps causing us to doubt or fear our inner guidance. It also helps us to accept love and heal the shadows within our personality. Karuna Reiki® is the energy of compassion in action, teaching us to have compassion for ourselves and for others. It helps to harmonize the upper and lower chakras, helping us to discern guidance and wisdom for the Divine and moving us into the physical realm of manifestation where we are empowered to heal.

Karuna Reiki® goes very deep, gently but quickly, and it takes on many forms such as intense heat, coolness, tingling or pulsing. As issues arise that require healing, they can be acknowledged, processed and healed in moments because they are dealt with in their fundamental energetic form. Therefore, when appropriate, Karuna Reiki® can bring about deep emotional healing without the recipient being aware of or having to re-live an unpleasant or traumatic life experience.

As Karuna Reiki® assists us in recognizing repressed thoughts, emotions or beliefs these feelings can be released at a deep cellular level and through Universal compassion, foundations for healthy new patterns can be created. Although Karuna Reiki® facilitates healing, it does not do the healing, it simply assists by reflecting information to the body’s systems to allow for healing to take place within the person. Karuna Reiki® can assist in healing on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I look forward to sharing this wonderful new healing modality with you!

(Source material; Laurelle Shanti Gaia – The Book on Karuna Reiki® and from The International Center for Reiki Training website.)
