I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells.
I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light, and of peace.
When you are in that place in you and I am in the place in me, WE ARE ONE.

~ Namasté ~

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Kundalini or Root Chakra

The first chakra is known as the Kundalini or Root chakra and it is situated at the tail end of the spine. It is associated with the color red and is the foundation of the physical body. It stimulates vital forces throughout our body and assists in keeping us grounded to the earth. It influences our immune system, our energy, basic impulses, instincts, endurance and fight or flight reactions. It deals with the body’s survival including food, shelter and protection. The root chakra is relevant to achievements in the material world, permanence, strength of character, patience, endurance, and safety.

Most people are not aware of the value in connecting with the energy of the Earth and may even disengage from it, making them appear flighty. However, it is important for us to ground to the Earth so that we are able to fulfill our life's mission. We are spiritual beings in a human body for a reason; that reason being to connect with the Earth. Our dreams are manifested by healthy grounded vibrations. In addition, being grounded to the Earth gives us feelings of security and allows us to access a wealth of solutions to our problems by being present in the moment and grounded to our Earth experience.

Signs you might need to work on your Root Chakra:
  • If you feel you've lost trust in life.
  • If you don't feel at home in your own body.
  • If you worry about the future and meeting your obligations.
  • If you feel like you're losing your emotional footing.
  • If you are easily overwhelmed by life.
  • If you feel chronically tired and lacking in energy.
  • If you don't exercise enough.
  • If you often feel cold or have cold hands and feet.
  • If your digestion isn't working properly.
  • If you have problems with your colon.
  • If you have a tendency toward back pain.
  • If you suffer from sciatica or throw your back out.
Color: Red

Functions: Gives vitality to the physical body; grounding, life-force survival, self-preservation, instincts, manifestation, material world.

Glands/Organs: Adrenal glands, kidneys, reproductive organs, spinal column, legs, feet, bones, skin, immune system.

Affirmation: “I trust in the power of life.”

Foods to feed the Root Chakra: Red-colored foods like apples, cherries, nectarines, pink grapefruit, pomegranate, raspberries, strawberries, beets, radishes, red bell peppers, red onion, red potatoes, tomatoes and tomato-based products, beef, buffalo, bison.

Crystals/Stones: Ruby, Hematite, Garnet, Smoky Quartz

Sources: A Handbook of Chakra Healing by Kalashatra Govinda; Chakra Foods for Optimum Health by Deanna M. Minich, Ph.D., C.N.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

About Energy

No, we're not talking about the kind of energy that runs your household. We're talking about the energy that runs you! There are many types of energy in the body from the energy it takes for you to digest your food to the energy it takes to power your muscles. For our purposes, we'll be talking about the energy in your aura, chakras and meridians.

The Aura

The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body (Human Energy Field-HEF) and every organism and object in the Universe. The Human Energy Field is a collection of electromagnetic energies of varying densities that permeate through and emit or exit from the physical body of a living person. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human body in an oval shaped field. This “auric egg” emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet (1 metre on average) on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground.

The aura consists of seven layers or bodies. Each one of the subtle bodies that exist around the physical body has its own unique frequency. They are interrelated and affect one another and the person’s feelings, emotions, thinking, behaviour, and health as well. Therefore a state of imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of imbalance in the others.

The Etheric Body ~ This layer lies close to the human body approximately half an inch wide. It is usually grey, white or blue in color. Strong or weak health is revealed in this area. It is the most easily seen auric layer or etheric field. This field can also be seen around trees, plants, animals and even inanimate objects such as furniture. A white or black background will often highlight the etheric field.

The Emotional Body ~ This layer lies beyond the etheric field and extends one to three inches beyond the body. In a good state of health it appears bright and colorful. These colors change as emotions change.

The Mental Body ~ This layer lies just beyond the emotional body. It’s colors are yellow, green or blue in a good state of health. It relates to the thoughts and attitudes of the person.

The Astral Body ~ This layer lies beyond the mental body. It shows an array of beautiful pastel colours such as pinks and blues when healthy and unblocked. It extends up to one foot from the body and indicates your capacity for conditional and unconditional love.

The Etheric Template ~ Beyond the astral field is a type of x-ray or blueprint of the physical body. When there is illness or blocks in the body, negativitiy can be observed and treated in this field. It extends one to two feet from the body and is usually observed as grey/blue in colour.

The Celestial Body ~ This layer is the sixth auric field extending two to three feet from the body. It is filled with mother of pearl colours and energies. It is the layer through which you can experience spiritual ecstasy.

The Causal Body or Ketheric Template ~ This layer is connected to the crown chakra. It is a type of photographic negative of the mental and spiritual aspects of the person. It is usually filled with golden shimmering light and is surrounded by a gold or silver halo or outer rim of protection. It extends from three feet to four feet outwards from the person.

The Chakras

The word ‘chakra’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’. If you could see chakras, you would be able to see each primary chakra as a spinning vortex, or wheel, of energy which spins from the front of your body through the center point of each chakra and then spinning outwards from your back. There are seven primary chakras beginning at the base of the spine and running up the spinal column to the crown. These are the:

Kundalini or Root Chakra
Color: Red
Functions: Gives vitality to the physical body; life-force survival, self-preservation, instincts.
Glands/Organs: Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, legs, bones.

Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange
Functions: Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, sexuality.
Glands/Organs: Ovaries, testes, prostate gland, genitals, spleen, uterus, bladder.

Solar Plexus Chakra
Color: Yellow
Functions: The center of personal power, ambition, intellect, astral force, desire, and emotions based on intellect and touch.
Glands/Organs: Pancreas, liver, digestive tract and stomach.

Heart Chakra
Color: Green
Functions: The center which vitalizes the heart, thymus, circulatory system, blood, cellular structure, and involuntary muscles.
Glands/Organs: Heart, ribs, chest cavity, lower lungs, blood, circulatory system, skin, hands, thymus.

Throat Chakra
Color: Blue
Functions: Communication center, acting to provide the energy for and the understanding of, both verbal and mental communications.
Glands/Organs: Thyroid gland, throat and jaw areas, alimentary canal, lungs, vocal cords, and the breath.

Third Eye Chakra
Color: Indigo
Functions: The center of psychic power, higher intuition, the energies of the spirit, magnetic forces, light, clairvoyance, and healing addictions.
Glands/Organs: Pituitary gland, cerebellum, ears, nose, sinuses, eyes, central nervous system.

Crown Chakra
Color: White/Violet
Function: The center of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy. It is the center which vitalizes the cerebrum, the right eye, and the pineal gland.
Glands/Organs: Pineal gland and cerebrum.

Clearing and balancing the chakras is very important to the health and well-being of our physical, mental, and emotional state. When our energy centers are blocked or not balanced we may feel fatigued, confused, depressed, and our physical bodily functions may be affected, thus allowing disease to manifest.

A blocked or overstimulated/understimulated energy center may result in ailments or weakness in its correlating part of the body. The thought processes of the mind may also be affected, allowing fear and negativity to preoccupy the individual.

The Meridians
Meridians are energy channels. They can be likened to the wiring of a house, or the veins and arteries through which our blood flows, except that they have no discrete physical structure. They run through our physical bodies but they cannot be dissected or found surgically. Meridians are part of the body’s subtle energy anatomy and have no concrete form. Humans are not unique in having meridians – dogs, cats, horses, and all mammals seem to have energy meridians.

Despite their intangible nature, we know that meridians exist because their impact can be felt. Sedating (weakening) or strengthening the various meridians has a noticeable impact on energy levels, mood and adaptability, health, immunity, thinking and cognition, and more. Some of the meridians are yin and some are yang, and each corresponds to an element and specific emotional tendencies.

For more information of any of the above energy systems, please visit my website at Loving Heart Reiki.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Welcome to my blog where I hope to inspire, inform and keep you up-to-date on my practice of the Energetic Arts.

I am a Certified Reiki Master Practitioner and EMF Balancing Technique® Practitioner. I obtained both of my certifications through the Magnificant Living Institute founded by Mary Preuss Olson. I am also enrolled in the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy working towards my certification as a Crystal Healer and hope to have this completed by December, 2011.

I began my journey in January of 2011. I was looking for a way to enhance my spiritual practice and was led to Reiki. I was not prepared for the wonderful way in which Reiki would become a big part of my life, so much so that it has led me to creating my own Reiki practice. Each session of Reiki and each attunement brought more into my life than I could ever have imagined. The sense of calm, fulfillment and well-being that I experienced is what I hope to pass on to my clients.

With Reiki I also experienced healing of sciatic pain which has been with me most of my adult life. I also experienced alleviation of symptoms of anxiety, depression and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Having had these experiences myself, I know that Reiki can work for you and your current experiences as well.

It seemed like a natural flow to also experience EMF Balancing and to that end I started classes in June of 2011. To say this experience has been life-altering is to put it mildly. The EMF Balancing Technique® is a graceful and beautiful way for one to connect with themselves physically, mentally and spiritually. It has been quite a journey and I'm excited by all the possibilities as I tread along my path.

In learning about crystals and stones, I have come to appreciate the effects that these beautiful gifts from nature can have on our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. I feel the connection and am drawn to their energies as I'm sure you've felt if you've had the opportunity to experience a crystal or stone in the palm of your hand . . . quieting your mind and allowing the crystal or stone to tell you its' story.

So I hope you'll follow along with me as I take you through my experiences with these Energetic Arts and sharing them with you.