I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells.
I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light, and of peace.
When you are in that place in you and I am in the place in me, WE ARE ONE.

~ Namasté ~

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wellness Fair - 2011

This past Friday and Saturday I attended the Wellness Fair at the Harbor Athletic Club on Allen Blvd., in Middleton, WI. I had an amazing time, met some new friends, and connected with people from all walks of life. It was truly an inspiring and energizing experience!

I was grateful for the opportunity to offer Reiki mini-sessions and believe that people left my chair feeling more relaxed with a fuller sense of connectedness and well-being.

I also had a drawing for a free one hour Reiki session. Congratulations to Mary for being the recipient! Also on my table was a Reiki Healing Box for people to add the names of people they know or love who required healing. I'm happy to say that people took advantage of this, and I will be sending healing to those in the 'box' this evening. Again, I'm so grateful for this opportunity to be of service!

I'm also happy and excited to report that Loving Heart Reiki will be moving from my home studio to the Harbor Wellness Center on December 1st. I'm looking forward to this move and hope it will continue to provide my clients with an environment that is safe, comfortable, serene and healing.

If you would like to learn more about the Energetic Arts and the services Loving Heart Reiki provides, please visit my website 'Loving Heart Reiki'.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

The EMF Balancing Technique®

The EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Balancing Technique® is an energy method using the Universal Calibration Lattice™ (UCL), an evolutionary system in the human energy anatomy. It is an inter-dimensional process that calibrates the connection of your personal UCL with that of the Matrix or Cosmic Lattice. Each phase utilizes specific templates of sacred geometry, and in the same way that electrical circuits are rewired to allow for higher voltages, your system is rewired to allow more of your Infinite Self to flow through you.

The EMF Balancing Technique® is most useful for people who are seeking a sense of direction and purpose to their life. The technique raises your vibration and also connects you more to your spiritual nature.

Documented benefits of an EMF Balancing session include profound peace, greater mastery in one’s life, improved well-being, and sometimes quite remarkable physical healings – the benefits are unlimited as we learn to hold and express our greater charge. We are learning how to explore, translate, and shape our world as multi-dimensional beings. The work strengthens anyone who wants to continue to grow, from the novice on the path to the seasoned sage who knows the journey is eternal and growth is unlimited.

Watch this short video on the EMF Balancing Technique and visit my website 'Loving Heart Reiki' for more information.


The Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is known as the Sacral chakra and is located in the lower abdomen, behind and approximately two inches below the belly button. It is associated with the color orange and is the source of creativity and inspiration and is the foundation of the emotional body. It influences our ability to feel emotions, sensations and atmospheres and controls our ability to let go of our emotions. It influences our sexuality and sensuality, physical force, sexual and ardent love, open-mindedness, and our ability to yield and cooperate amicably with other people.

The sacral chakra connects us to the water element and its eternal state of movement and dynamic change. It is the hub of creative potential and assists us in wielding and manifesting our internal raw creativity into an external form involving visual arts, body expression, and sound. When the sacral chakra is functioning optimally, we are able to go with the flow of life and to move as our creative expression calls us, without judgement. This chakra also contains the creative energy of the universe and our ability to harness this energy to manifest our dreams, desires, and passions. Where we put our energy, we will manifest.

The sacral chakra helps us to be empowered in terms of creative expression and reflects the relationship of the self to all living beings in our surroundings - or our relationship with others. Emotions can trigger the creative process within and get us moving in our desired direction.

Signs you might need work on your Sacral Chakra:
  • If you don't enjoy life.
  • If you don't feel sexually fulfilled or if you suffer from sexual problems.
  • If you lack appreciation for life and don't recognize its beauty and poetry.
  • If you are very hard on yourself and put too much importance on discipline and self-control.
  • If you feel that your creativity is blocked.
  • If you tend toward jealousy or are preoccupied with feelings of guilt.
  • If you are prone to back pain.
  • If you suffer from impotence or lack of sexual appetite.
  • If you get severe menstrual pain.
  • If you have bladder or kidney problems.
  • If your prostate gives you trouble.
  • If you feel that your physical drives are controlling you.

Color: Orange

Functions: Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, sexuality, creativity, emotions, relationships, self-worth, empathy.

Glands/Organs: Ovaries, testes, prostate gland, genitals, spleen, uterus, bladder.

Affirmation: “I give my creativity and joy in living free rein.”

Foods to feed the Sacral Chakra: Orange-colored foods like apricots, blood oranges, cantaloupes, kumquats, mandarins, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas, passion fruit, peaches, persimmons, tangerines, carrots, orange bell peppers, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yams, salmon.

Crystals/Stones: Red Aventurine, Coral, Fire Opal, Orange Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sunstone, Red Tiger's Eye, Orange Kyanite

Sources: A Handbook of Chakra Healing by Kalashatra Govinda; Chakra Foods for Optimum Health by Deanna M. Minich, Ph.D., C.N.

Wellness Fair - 2011

Loving Heart Reiki will be at the 3rd Annual Wellness Fair at the Harbor Wellness Center, 2711 Allen Blvd., Middleton, WI on November 11th from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday, November 12th from 7:00 a.m. to noon.

You're invited to visit our booth where you'll find information on Reiki, Crystal Healing and the EMF Balancing Technique®. You may also receive a free 10 minute Reiki or EMF Balancing session to experience these energetic healing modalities. You'll also learn more about crystals and how they can help in transformation and healing.

There will be speaking presentations, mini-classes and mini-sessions including yoga, tai chi, skin care, aromatherapy, natural foods and even a Wax-A-Thon for charity.

Stop by, say hello and experience the many facets of balance, health, well-being and empowerment that will be available during the Wellness Fair.